Hive Demented Uno

UNO was the game with 9 PAX.   Had to amp it up to meet Airborne’s expectations

Each color was an exercise.

Blue ManMaker

Red Louganis (Skullcrusher into Big Boy Situp but keep your arms extended)

Green Curls

Yellow Triceps

The number was the reps. 0 is 10 reps. Play like normal UNO.  Each PAX takes a turn playing a card.  Either match color or number.

SKIP = run a lap

Reverse = Repeat last card

+2 = Pick two of the exercise and do 2 Reps

+4 = 4 Reps of all 4 exercises, then pick a new color

WILD = pick a new color

If you can’t play a card, draw one.  Rule was to do a BombJack for each card you need to draw.

TClap |

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